Academia Webinar with Tom Vine from Staffordshire University

Creaform Academia is an educational solution suite designed to introduce students to the exciting world of 3D scanning, it combines hardware, software and online training courses, that bring 3D metrology and reverse engineering to life.

We were delighted that Tom Vine from Staffordshire University joined our recent Academia webinar, Tom is a Technical Specialist in Immersive Technologies, covering both XR tech and 3D scanning, previously in Games Tech and comes from one of Staffordshire University’s own Games courses.

Tom and his colleagues help students and staff with 3D Scanning requirements for a wide variety of courses, in addition to carrying out external work for museums, with new and interesting challenges coming up all the time.

The HandySCAN Black Elite is Staffordshire University’s most popular scanner and it has been used for many projects ranging from Engineering and Automotive to Product Design, Games Art, VFX, Ceramics, Fashion, and Forensic Archaeology, with the largest item scanned to date being a Spitfire in the Potteries Museum.

Tom discussed a selection of the applications that he has worked on and provided valuable insight into how Students are benefitting from 3D Scanning at Staffordshire University.

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